Working hours: Mon-Fri 9.00–17.00, VI 11.00–15.00

Coordinates: 54.38419400, 24.88049300


Public Institution Dargužiai Craft Center invites you to come and offers its services: educational programs, organizes celebrations, trainings for traditional craftsmen and representatives of Varėna district community interested in traditional crafts. Rent premises for plein airs and camp participants, in the operating shop, every visitor who is fascinated by national art will be able to buy the works of craftsmen and folk artists of Varėna region and find information about them.


Our main goal is to research and popularize the national heritage, to carry out cultural and educational activities, to preserve the experience and skills of craftsmen that are passed down from generation to generation. The Dargužiai Crafts Center brings together creative craftsmen from various fields, demonstrating carving, embroidery, painting, beekeeping, weaving crafts, introduces herbs and their collection features, as well as the production of syrups and hydrolysates. Culinary heritage cultivators prepare traditional dishes in an ancient oven.


Organized by the Craft Center:

  • educational and cognitive programs;
  • calendar holidays;
  • family, company holidays;
  • exhibitions, expositions.


Services, additional offers:

  • rented premises for seminars, conferences for up to 30 people (equipment: projector, laptop, printer, photocopier);
  • catering for conference and educational participants;
  • it is offered to buy or order handmade units in an existing shop;
  • kitchenette, dishes are available


It is important. Educational programs are adapted to the age of the visitors. If a certain work is produced during the training, its raw material is included in the price, and the participants take the finished work home. The date and time of the educational session are adjusted according to your needs (estimated from 1.5 to 2 hours).